About the Soundproofing Industry

There are many soundproofing companies, generally categorized into “industrial” and “architectural.”

Industrial: Sales of soundproof inspection rooms and anechoic chambers for automotive and electronics manufacturers / Noise control for factories and research labs
General Architectural: Soundproofing renovations for homes, studio and hall acoustics

Different companies have unique strengths and specializations, so users need to select a provider that best matches their needs. Below is a simple guide to help you choose the right soundproofing company.

Soundproofing Industry Map

Company Name Warranty System Features
Nihon Onkyo Engineering Yes Part of Hibino Corp., high technical skill, extensive experience
Nihon Itagarasu Environmental Amenity Yes Part of Hibino Corp., high technical skill, extensive experience
Sonora Technology Yes Specialized manufacturer, high technical skill, extensive experience
Enclosure Yes Our company
Rion Yes Sells measuring instruments, soundproof products offered as ancillary equipment
Ono Sokki Yes Sells measuring instruments, soundproof products offered as ancillary equipment
Sasakura No Mainly operates in the Kansai region
Fujii Sound Techno No Fabless manufacturer of anechoic chambers, silencers, etc.
JSP No Noise control specialist mainly in the Chubu region
Keihin Enclosing No Fabless noise control manufacturer

*This information is based on our research. If you have any questions, please contact us.

● Please also check out the following content
About the Soundproofing Industry
How to Build a Soundproof Room
Soundproof Room Performance
Soundproof Room Costs
Soundproofing Terminology